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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

3 Reasons to Update Your Marketing Strategy

3 Reasons to Update Your Marketing Strategy

Amidst the worldwide pandemic and historic economic shift, sales managers and business leaders everywhere are busy trying to adjust business models. A majority of business owners are re-inventing their business operations in a time where most people are "sheltering-in-place" and can no longer physically visit their place of business.

Once you figure out what this new world order entails for your organization, it’s time to re-examine your marketing strategy—not just your advertising and commercial messaging. COVID-19 is shifting consumer behavior and media habits, and we all need to make sure our strategy changes with them.

Topics: sales strategy sales and marketing alignment COVID19 Resources

Sales Management Tips for Conducting Remote Sales Meetings

Sales Management Tips for Conducting Remote Sales Meetings

In addition to generating revenue and keeping their sales pipeline strong, sales managers are also tasked with running effective remote sales meetings. In our current work-from-home world, managers need to stay connected with sellers to conduct the following types of meetings:

  • Sales meetings
  • Training sessions
  • One-on-one meetings (revenue development focused meetings)
  • Meetings with clients

Below are some technical tips used by world-class managers to deliver a high-quality virtual experience. When the following guidelines are observed, you’ll run an effective remote sales meetings that will produce positive experiences for the entire team.

Topics: successful sales meetings sales managers COVID19 Resources Remote Team

Sales Survival: Avoiding Panic, Paralysis, and Pessimism

Sales Survival Avoiding Panic, Paralysis, and Pessimism

Panic, paralysis, and pessimism —these “three P’s” are your enemy during any time of disruption and economic downturn. Your best strategy in business (and, in life) is to minimize each of them during this COVID-19 fueled business disruption. 

Parts of what we’re seeing have occurred in the past—severe shock to the financial system such as the Great Recession of 2008/2009 where banking system nearly collapsed, a shutdown of events and travel post 9/11, and a 50% drop in stock indexes in 1987—all crises in which we've managed to adapt. 

Part of what we're seeing seems new. Most of the world has not lived through a pandemic that has affected nearly all nations, but some have, like the SARs epidemic that served as a pandemic for many countries. So, if you’re in sales survival mode, how do you cope? Let’s take these three P’s one at a time.

Topics: COVID19 Resources

Tips for Successfully Managing a Remote Team

Tips for Successfully Managing a Remote Team

Numerous research studies provide evidence that employees are more productive when working remotely. Sales teams are target-driven, so they’re going to find the motivation they need to be productive! However, managing a remote team isn’t easy. Here's advice from our experts, some who have managed remote teams since 1983!

Topics: productivity COVID19 Resources Remote Team

Listen During Turmoil, Sell After

Listen During Turmoil, Sell After

My years of working in a blended role—as part seller and as part consultant—keeps me grounded and attached to the needs of sellers as well as customers and new business prospects.

Here’s some advice that I’m using in my sales role and passing along as a consultant: during this time of turmoil one of the most important things you can do is listen and demonstrate empathy. You will have plenty of time to sell in the future (post-turmoil). Also, if you listen closely enough, you will discover business needs unknown a couple of weeks ago.

Topics: sales cycle active listening COVID19 Resources

Adjusting to Working from Home: When You Can’t Meet Face-to-Face

For many sales managers and account executives, working from home is a brand-new concept. And like any emerging work style, those who've had more in-office job experiences feel skeptical about remote work.

The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS) has embraced the work from home lifestyle. Our entire 40-person company has worked from home for 38 years- and we excel at it too! To help ease this sudden transition into the remote work world, here are some tips from our experts on how to stay in touch with clients and prospects.

Topics: productivity COVID19 Resources Remote Team