"Earn your leadership every day."
-Michael Jordan
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15 Excellent Ways to Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day (+ BONUS Remote-Friendly Ideas)–Bonusly
Most work weeks are focused on business objectives, decisions from management, or customer issues. Employee Appreciation Day, on the other hand, is a special day that should be truly centered around the teams of employees that make things happen every single day.
Even a little bit of recognition can make a big impact on employee motivation. Research shows that feeling appreciated increases morale, improves engagement, and reduces turnover. In particular, employee recognition has been proven to boost oxytocin levels—that’s the chemical our bodies create when we bond socially! >>> READ MORE
3 Remote Work Obstacles You'll Need to Address in 2021–Inc.
Ask different people how they felt at different points of this pandemic, and you'll get a range of answers. For some, remote work has been incredibly productive and offers more flexibility in their daily schedule. For others, it has been lonely and getting work done has felt nearly impossible.
To say that working from home turned out to be the utopia we all hoped for would be a bit of a stretch. The truth is, many people miss seeing each other in-person. But work-from-home culture is now established. This means there are a number of obstacles we will need to overcome to make things work for everyone. >>> READ MORE
Why Core Values Matter–Up Your Culture
Elvis Presley once said, “Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave ‘em all over everything you do.” He wasn’t wrong, and the best leaders out there recognize that.
When we study the companies with the very best cultures and the most engaged employees, we find four areas they have clearly mastered that others have not. We call these the four Engagement Elevators because they are very specific ways to Up Your Culture. >>> READ MORE
7 Leadership Trends in the Post-Pandemic Workplace –Namely
As government restrictions loosen and the economy opens up, they will have to adjust to another new “normal” in the workplace. This could mean adhering to social distancing protocols, limited customer interactions, decreased workplace occupancy levels, and extended remote working arrangements.
Businesses must adopt specific employee engagement strategies to ensure that their employees stay engaged and make the workplace as safe as possible.
Here are 7 post-pandemic leadership trends that will shape the new normal for businesses. >>>READ MORE
5 Ways Your Sales Team Can Recover Lost Revenue in 2021–HubSpot
Though 2020 is (blessedly) behind us, most companies don't have the luxury of taking a breather. Last year took a lot out of all of everyone — and that goes double for business owners and sales teams.
A lot of revenue was lost in the unadulterated chaos, unspeakable tragedy, and frantic scrambling that characterized this past year — and now, we're stuck picking up the pieces. And while that task is imposing, it's not insurmountable.
Recovering lost revenue is a tall order, but it's still totally doable. Here, we'll go over some routes you can take to best approach that challenge. >>>READ MORE
Is Email Marketing Dead?–LeadG2
There are over 3.9 billion email users worldwide, and in 2023 that number is estimated to be 4.3 billion. So, is the act of reaching out via email to prospects and potential customers a dying form of marketing?
Not a chance.
Why and how email marketing works is important to understand before creating your business’ email marketing strategy. Let’s dive into a few highlights of why email marketing still works and can be effective for your business. >>> READ MORE
...And Don't Miss An Episode of Improving Sales Performance
Don’t miss another episode of the Improving Sales Performance series where Managing Partner Matt Sunshine speaks with thought leaders, experts, and industry gurus, who share their insight, tips, and knowledge on various topics that help companies improve sales performance.
Improving Sales Performance: Sales EnablementImproving Sales Performance: Sales Calendars and Sales Planning
Improving Sales Performance: Create a Winning Company Culture
Improving Sales Performance: Business Performance and Culture
Improving Sales Performance: From Team Engagement to Overall Performance
Improving Sales Performance: Exploring the IMPACT Sales Leadership System
Improving Sales Performance: Consultant Roundtable
Improving Sales Performance: Sales Leadership and Performance
Media Sales Report Series
Improving Sales Performance | Media Sales Report | Report Analysis and Industry Outlook
Improving Sales Performance| Media Sales Report | Effects of COVID-19 on the Media Sales Industry
Improving Sales Performance | Media Sales Report | Sales Department Structure: Size and Compensation
Improving Sales Performance | Media Sales Report | Hiring and Talent
Improving Sales Performance | Media Sales Report | Sales Training and Development
Improving Sales Performance | Media Sales Report |Sales Process
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This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog:
- Understanding Talent and Fit with Better Interview Questions
- Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Discipline & Positivity
- Improving Sales Performance | Media Sales Report | Sales Training and Development
- Selling Techniques for Getting that First Appointment
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