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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

How to Help Sales Leaders Improve Performance

How to Help Sales Leaders Improve Performance (1)

Sales leadership plays a crucial role in the success of any organization's sales efforts. As the driving force behind a sales team, sales leaders are responsible for setting targets, providing guidance, and motivating their team members to achieve their goals.

However, even the most skilled sales leaders can face challenges when it comes to improving performance and driving results.

Topics: sales leadership 360 coaching

Shut Up and Listen! 3 Reasons Why Salespeople Should Talk Less to Sell More

3 Reasons Why Salespeople Should Talk Less to Sell More

New business meetings are exciting. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of closing deals, showcasing your product, and convincing prospects that you have the perfect solution. 

You want to start selling, pitching your product, and showing off your brilliant product knowledge. DON'T DO IT!

Just shut up and let your prospect talk.  

The secret to successful sales is not just about talking but also about mastering the art of listening.

Topics: sales process active listening

Mastering the Art of Sales with AI: Best Practices and Strategies for Boosting Your Team's Performance

Mastering the Art of Sales with AI

Sales is the backbone of any successful business, and with technological advancements, it has become even more critical to stay ahead of the curve.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how we approach sales, providing businesses with the tools they need to improve their team's performance and boost revenue. Mastering the art of sales with AI requires a combination of best practices and strategies that can help businesses stay competitive in today's fast-paced market.

Whether you're a sales manager looking to improve your team's performance or a business owner seeking to increase your bottom line, this guide will provide you with the insights and strategies you need to master the art of sales with AI. From leveraging data analytics to improving customer engagement, let’s explore the best practices and strategies to help you take your sales game to the next level.

Topics: sales performance AI

Where We Can Innovate, We Can Grow.

Where We Can Innovate, We Can Grow.

If we think about the metaphor of flying a plane, we can all agree that there are some major headwinds tossing and shaking the plane around at the altitude of business right now. And yet, as Peter Drucker said, “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is acting with yesterday’s logic.”

Often the best solution in severe turbulence is not to ground the plane or fly around in repetitive circles but instead shift the course to rise above it.

The word for 'crisis' in Japanese, 危機 (Kiki) is written with the words 'danger' and 'opportunity,' meaning that a crisis can be seen as a dangerous time but equally as a time for opportunity.

And this is certainly an unprecedented and historical time of opportunity for innovating, trying new things, thinking outside the box, and driving the growth of your organization.

Topics: sales talent growth mindset

How To Unlock The Full Potential of Your Team

How to Help Sales Leaders Improve Performance

Sales management is tough. On top of the economic uncertainties and dynamic changes in the market they need to deal with, sales leaders must also grapple with people issues like employee turnover, waning engagement, and time pressures that get in the way of onboarding, training, and coaching.

When sales leaders are especially time-starved and overwhelmed, I often share something I once heard Naval Ravikant (investor and entrepreneur) say that stayed with me. He said, “Don’t let the complexity of the world distract you from the simplicity of your goals.”

When managers focus on their goals and the strategies designed to achieve them, it can clear away the clutter in a powerful way!

Topics: sales talent growth formula 360 coaching

Integrated Marketing Solutions: Let's Go Fishing!

Integrated Marketing Solutions Lets Go Fishing!

As a Senior Consultant with The Center for Sales Strategy, I’ve reviewed a lot of proposals from salespeople over the years.

As I analyze the ideas sellers plan to present to clients, I often push them to make their proposals stronger by asking, “Where’s the plan to achieve the desired business results? How can you make it easier to buy?”

These prompts often create the awareness that we need to do a little more fishing. So, grab a fishing pole and have a seat on the dock. Today we are taking a virtual fishing trip!

Topics: integrated media solution

A Sales Structure to Maximize Revenue Potential

A Sales Structure to Maximize Revenue Potential

In the fast-paced and competitive business landscape, an effective sales structure is crucial for organizations to achieve revenue targets and drive growth. However, many companies face challenges in designing a sales structure that aligns with their objectives and maximizes their sales potential.

Typically, when it comes to sales structure, common challenges may include inconsistent performance, misaligned roles and responsibilities, or too many people on the team not achieving their overall revenue goals to name a few. First, you have to identify the problem you are trying to solve.

Topics: sales structure

A Sales Strategy to Double Time Spent Selling

A Sales Strategy to Double Time Spent Selling

When a colleague conducted a "time spent selling audit" for one of her clients, the data showed the organization's best sellers spent slightly over 20% of their time actually selling. Keep in mind the audit included the best sellers in the organization!

Here are five reasons why this happens.

Topics: Lead Generation sales strategy

The Role of Talent Assessments in Identifying Sales Superstars

The Role of Talent Assessments in Identifying Sales Superstars

Wouldn’t it be lovely if each sales candidate that you interviewed came holding a sign? “I’m Coachable.” “I’m a Hard Worker.” “I’m disorganized.” “You can’t trust me!”

Think of the time savings if everyone summed up their best strengths and their worst weaknesses for you and handed them over before an interview. You could come prepared with questions to find out how those strengths work for them (or trip them up) and if/how they work around those weaknesses.

Too good to be true? It’s not. All you need is a validated talent assessment like the Sales Talent Assessment (STA) and a conversation with a Talent Analyst.

Topics: sales talent assessment

5 Ways AI Will Help Sell More

5 Ways AI Will Help Sell More

Whether you think the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Wall-E or The Terminator, the reality is that AI is going to change the way that you sell.

According to Crunchbase, there are nearly 10,000 AI startups. 10,000 new AI companies in the last year are a staggering number of people focused on how AI can help your life, business, and organization. AI's impact will be a cultural shift similar to, if not greater than, the world wide web in the 90s. The rapid advancements in AI technology have changed how we approach selling, enabling us to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently. 

So, the question is how can you leverage the latest advancements of AI to help you achieve your budget, increase new business development, and help your sales team be more efficient and effective.

Topics: AI