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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

3 Ways To Increase The Value of a Click

value-of-a-clickLong gone are the days of dancing babies and pop-ups to entice consumers to click on display ads or sponsored content online. Gone also are the days when savvy marketers counted clicks as the only measure of value in an online ad campaign.

Topics: Digital

Can Your Facebook Profile Cost You a Job?

could-your-facebook-profile-cost-you-a-jobMy friend Nancy mentioned recently that she was finding it difficult to source good candidates for a particular position she had open in her company. So she decided to ask her social network if they knew anyone who might be a good fit. (Here at The Center for Sales Strategy, we think asking your social network is a smart idea in most cases.)

Topics: Digital Brand and Connect

Weekly Wrap Up: What We Wrote, and What We Read: Dec 8-11

What a great week! There are some great gems from our writers here, and wonderful news from around the web. Read on!

The Center for Sales Strategy Weekly Wrap-Up


Topics: Digital Sales

What I Learned from French Class about Personal Branding

french-classBuilding your personal brand often begins with describing yourself. Yet this is often the hardest part for people. To say “I am this” or “I am that” can be a struggle. We can describe most everyone else, but many of us fall mute when it comes time to talk about ourselves.

Topics: Digital Brand and Connect

Weekly Wrap Up: What We Wrote, and What We Read: Dec 1-4

What a great week! There are some great gems from our writers here, and wonderful news from around the web. Read on!

The Center for Sales Strategy Weekly Wrap-Up

  • Monday, Steve Marx gave us a list of tough questions sales leaders would really rather not be asked.


Topics: Digital Sales

Top 3 Mobile Trends for 2015

mobile-trendsMobile has evolved tremendously over the last five years. And the technological advances of 2014 alone have catapulted mobile to the top—as the desired media consumption platform for many. Affordable choices in devices as well as data-friendly carrier plans have given consumers the means, so marketers can now provide the motive. 

Topics: Digital

Weekly Wrap Up: What We Wrote, and What We Read: Nov 24-27

What a great week! There are some great gems from our writers here, and wonderful news from around the web. Read on!

The Center for Sales Strategy Weekly Wrap-Up


Topics: Digital Sales

Happy Thanksgiving from The Center for Sales Strategy


Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. It's my favorite holiday, hands down. The focus is on being together, and sharing a delicious meal, that took hours to prepare, and reflecting on the past year, with an emphasis on gratitude.

There's nothing to buy, no gifts to exchange, and no expectations except to be present and eat more than your fill.

Topics: Digital

How to Win at Twitter (at Least in the Short Run!)

winning-at-twitterI think I’m starting to understand the value of Twitter. For the week ending November 8th, I had 56 total views, picked up 21 new followers, and five of my tweets were favorited by people in my network. It’s a big increase, from even just one month prior. The week ending October 5th, I had 11 total views and 12 new followers (no favorites).

Topics: Digital

Weekly Wrap Up: What We Wrote, and What We Read: Nov 17-20

What a great week! There are some great gems from our writers here, and wonderful news from around the web. Read on!

The Center for Sales Strategy Weekly Wrap-Up


Topics: Digital Sales