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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Leadership Development–Developing Managers Into Leaders

Leadership Development

Promoting someone to a manager doesn't make them a leader.

While managers have power, they too often lack the skills to use that power effectively. What you want is a strong sales leader, but how do you get there?

That question is why we've written this guide to people management and leadership development. We'll review the core difference between a manager and a true leader and how to train managers to get there.

Topics: sales leadership leadership development

Don't Identify Problems, Solve Them!

Dont Identify Problems, Solve them

Excuse me, while I pull out my "soapbox", I'm about to go on a rant!

Nothing irritates me more than when people confuse activity with productivity. We have created an environment where checking off our to-do list every day, attending meetings, and responding to emails means that you were productive.

That's just wrong. 

You were not productive. You were busy. Busy does not equal productivity.

Topics: sales process sales leadership

How CEOs Can Improve Sales Leadership

How CEOs Can Improve Sales Leadership

Did you know that there are over 195,000 CEOs employed in the United States? Most people start their own business or work their way to the top to be their own boss. Even as the boss, you have major responsibilities to handle.

If you're the CEO of a sales company, you have a responsibility to improve sales leadership. Our guide explains how to do it so you can increase sales and boost business.

Topics: sales leadership

A Solid Sales Structure is Built on These Four Things

A Solid Sales Structure is Built on These Four Things

To establish the foundation for sustainable business growth, a solid sales structure must be built layer by layer. People, resources, and processes must align and work together to produce the best results for your organization.

In an earlier post, we identified the top challenges media sales departments face and a solution that addresses them all changing your sales structure. Restructuring is easier said than done, but if you’re going to manage a successful team, the need for change eventually hits home. When thinking about restructuring, below are four important things to know about the modern-day sales structure.

Topics: sales structure IMPACT sales leadership