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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

How Consistent is Your Feedback?

 How Consistent is Your Feedback

Have you ever played the hot and cold guessing game? “You’re freezing cold, you’re thawing out, you’re getting warmer, you’re on fire!”

The person in charge of the game hides an object and then gives you feedback based on how close (hot) or far (cold) you are from what they’ve hidden. Now imagine searching for their hidden object without receiving any feedback on how hot or cold you are. The best-case scenario would be accidentally stumbling on the hidden object. The worst-case scenario would be continuing to wander aimlessly, and likely throwing in the towel due to frustration or hopelessness.

The more feedback you’re given, the more your game performance improves. If the feedback stops, your progress stops with it. The same can be said for your team members. The most effective leaders provide consistent feedback to their people.

Topics: sales performance feedback

3 Ways to Achieve Sales Performance Improvement

3 Ways to Achieve Sales Performance Improvement

Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods are all known for their exceptional talent and success in their respective sports. However, they also have something else in common: they all had coaches who played a significant role in their careers.

Some might argue that it was their coaches — Bill Belichick, Phil Jackson, and Earl Woods —  who helped turn their natural talent into the greatest athletes of their sports. It's clear that even the best of the best need and value the guidance of a coach.

Topics: sales performance growth guide

Top Sales Performance Articles of 2022

Top 2022 Articles Sales Performance

Providing quality content that helps our clients and visitors improve their sales performance is our goal, and we hope this blog has brought you insight, education, and tips to get you on the path to success.

We've searched for the most popular blog posts of 2022, and we've curated these lists to bring you some of the most informative content from the year.

Check out these top blogs on the sales performance from 2022 and let them kickstart your 2023 sales strategy.

Topics: sales performance

Set Your Team Up for Sustainable Sales Performance Going into 2023

Set Your Team Up for Sustainable Sales Performance

Think of sales performance as a three-legged stool. When all three legs are strong, there's nothing sturdier. But if one of the legs isn’t holding up its weight, the stool can no longer do its job.

Just as you need all three legs on that stool, so too must a sales organization have three solid legs to carry the weight of the expectations placed on it. As we get closer to 2023, ensure your team is strong in all three areas and set your team up for improved sales performance in the new year.

Topics: sales performance sales training sales talent

Are Your Sellers Prepared for an Economic Slowdown?

Are Your Sellers Prepared for an Economic Slowdown

Unprecedented times call for different strategies. While there’s no real consensus as to what state the economy is in currently, signals point towards a potential economic slowdown either on the horizon or seeping its way into your industry. The disparate nature in impact on different sections of the economy makes for truly interesting (but mostly frustrating) times.  

Regardless of whether your prospects or clients feel an economic pinch, preparing your sellers to navigate these trends will only help you. As your clients adjust to changing currents, your team should too. 

Topics: sales performance sales process

SALES PERFORMANCE: Why Sales Training Fails

SALES PERFORMANCE Why Sales Training Fails

The world runs at a rapid pace these days.

Twitter tells you in 280 characters, TikTok shows you in 10 minutes or less, and we want all the episodes of our favorite shows released all at one time!

We’re impatient by nature, and we want the kind of solution that turns everything around now, including training our salesforce. While some of these quick hits may work in the short run, most are not sustainable, and they leave you needing more, especially in the world of employee development.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales performance sales training

The Ultimate Business Compliment to Improve Your Sales Performance

Business compliment USE

Practicing effective communication and showing appreciation can strengthen client relationships.

You need to have good relationships with clients to help your business grow and succeed. If they have helped you, make sure you compliment them as that contributes to improving sales performance through referrals.

Topics: key account growth sales performance

Improving Sales Performance: Requests Usually Mask True Needs

Improving Sales Performance Requests Usually Mask True Needs

Can you believe that a third of adults have distanced themselves from people because of a misunderstanding in text communication?

Even with verbal communication, it's not hard to see how this could also be common in business. Simply put, communication is the foundation of successful sales. It's also your best tool for figuring out a client's needs.

Are you wondering what to do when requests mask a client's true needs? Keep reading to learn all about how to improve sales performance.

Topics: Needs Analysis sales performance

5 Ways to Improve Your Sales Process

arrow-process-378765-editedThis post was originally published on Startups.co

Ditch the "why" of your sales conversation and focus on the "how" to show prospects that you hear and understand their needs and can solve their unique problems.

Buyers want things to be easy. So easy, in fact, that 89% of buyers say that they choose vendors that made a return on investment easier to prove or that could be easily justified with a business case. They also preferred speed over price — with 80% of buyers citing deployment and ease of use as “very important.”

Your customers want to understand how to use your product — not sit through a pitch and wonder if it’ll actually fit their needs. Selling is less about explaining why buyers should buy and more about showing how an easy-to-use product or service will help them.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales process

How Do You Evaluate a Salesperson's Performance?

How Do You Evaluate a Salespersons Performance

Helping sellers improve sales performance is an important—perhaps the most important—part of a sales manager’s job.

A key part of the process of improving performance is evaluating a seller’s performance. Tracking and evaluating important metrics will serve as a source of celebration as well as a way to add focus for future training and skill development.

Please note, this type of review and evaluation should not be confused with the typical annual review required by HR departments. HR reviews serve some purpose, but rarely serve as the catalyst for improving sales performance.

Topics: sales performance sales metrics