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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

3 Ways to Determine if You Should Invest in Poor Performers

3 Ways to Determine if You Should Invest in Poor Performers

Trigger Warning... If you get easily offended by brutally honest feedback that might seem harsh and mean, you might want to skip today's blog post.

Ok, now; that we've gotten that out of the way, here's that brutally honest and possibly mean content:

You should NOT invest resources into poor-performing salespeople!

Topics: sales performance sales talent assessment

Are You Productive Or Just Busy?

Are You Productive Or Just Busy

Productivity refers to moving the sales cycle forward, improving application numbers, and increasing booked volume. Productivity measures how well you're able to meet the goals and objectives of your company, regardless of whether these are short-term or long-term goals.

On a day-to-day basis, if you write out a to-do list at the start of the day and are able to cross off most or all of the items by the end of the day, then you can consider it productive.

On a bigger scale, if you're able to meet the goals and objectives you have established for your company, then you're seeing productivity. Increasing productivity means that you will come closer to your goals. Remember, some people are more natural at this than others based on their talents.

Topics: sales performance sales productivity

Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on Sales Performance

Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on Sales Performance

Without sales, you don't have a business.

Your profits are directly linked to sales performance, so it's important to maximize sales wherever possible. There are a range of things you can do to improve sales, and if you're not doing this your business will never reach its full potential.

For a rundown of some simple things you can do to improve sales performance, keep reading.

Topics: sales performance

Innovative Strategies to Close the Sales Performance Gap and Boost Revenue

Performance Gap

The Pareto principle has been applied to everything from farming and land ownership to productivity and employee performance since the Italian economist Vincent Pareto first coined it in 1896.

Topics: sales performance sales pipeline

High-Performing Sales Teams Are Cultivated, Not Hired

cultivate a high-performing sales teamThis post was originally published on Business.com.

Top sales managers don't just look for candidates when they need them they keep in contact with potential team members to build an internal pipeline of interested and engaged salespeople.

The best products and services in the world don't hold up a company if no one buys them.

Most companies depend on salespeople to bridge the gap between production and purchase. When high-performing sellers leave, sales managers scramble to fill their roles. In the ensuing chaos, they usually hire the first competent person to walk through the door.

Topics: sales performance talent dashboard sales training

4 Reasons Accountability Is Missing in a Sales Team


Every relationship has ups and downs, and that includes relationships between coworkers.

The members of your sales team might be going through problems at home that can cause problems at work.

There might be conflicts with other members of the sales team.

When problems exist in other areas of life, it can affect the accountability of the whole sales team or individual team members. Either way, it's possible to remedy the situation and make accountability a priority for your team.

Topics: sales performance

Six Practical Ways to Help Your Team Make More Sales

Six Practical Ways to Help Your Team Make More Sales

As a sales manager, it’s important that you continually take new courses of action to help your team generate more sales.

Here are six practical methods you should consider.

Topics: sales performance sales process

Twenty Years of Sales Experience or One Year of Experience Twenty Times?

Twenty Years of Sales Experience or One Year of Experience Twenty Times

In 2022, we're challenging you to reconsider the way you're doing business to improve your sales performance.

The sales process is constantly changing and it's changing more rapidly than ever, yet there's a generation of salespeople still selling like it was any year before 2009.

Also in the mix are sales managers not adept to the evolving sales world, and therefore, might struggle to lead their team to good sales results.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales process

Identifying Redundancies for Sales Managers: What To Know

Identify Redundancies

Approximately 1.2 million employees were laid off or discharged in December 2021. As businesses recover from the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying redundancies is essential for growth.

But what is redundancy?

In this article, we explain how overlooking signs of redundancy is affecting your business and how you can start strategizing for redundancy.

Topics: sales performance

4 Habits of Highly Successful Sales Managers Who Retain Their Top Performers

habits of highly successful sales managers retain top performersSCENARIO: For the first time in a long time, you have sales positions open, but the most talented salespeople likely are already employed elsewhere. 

Even the most successful sales managers can find themselves in this situation if they aren't intentional with their management practices and focused on retention.

Recruiting and filling your talent bank is important. Even so, don't lose focus on the effort it takes to retain top talent. There’s always a strain on your resources when you try to scramble to fill a vacant sales position, but it’s a double-whammy when the vacancy is left by your superstar performer.

Topics: sales performance sales training