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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

From Stagnant to Stellar: A B2B Sales Leader's Guide to Growth

A B2B Sales Leaders Guide to Growth

As a B2B senior sales leader, you know the pressure of driving consistent growth. But what happens when your once-thriving sales organization stalls?

Stagnant sales pipelines and flat revenue can be a symptom of deeper issues. This is a roadmap that equips you with insights, action items, and a clear path to transform your team into a growth machine.

Topics: sales strategy leadership

Does Your Branding Represent YOU?

Does Your Branding Represent YOU

Crafting a robust professional brand is paramount, particularly for sales professionals and leaders alike.

As a coach, I work closely with individuals at various stages of their careers, digging into their past and current experiences to understand the challenges they face and the solutions they bring to the table.

Through these discussions, I gain insights into their passions and aspirations, shaping their professional identity.

Topics: sales strategy personal brand branding

Prospects Do NOT Care About Your Features and Benefits

Prospects Do NOT Care About Your Features and Benefits

Here is a truth bomb that might just revolutionize your sales strategy. Brace yourself because I'm about to tell you why your meticulously crafted pitches about features and benefits are falling on deaf ears. 

Yes, you heard that right. It is time to shift gears and move beyond the traditional features and benefits spiel.

Topics: Needs Analysis sales strategy

Improving Sales Performance Often Requires Changing Focus

Improving Sales Performance Often Requires Changing Focus

How much more productive would you be if you focussed on your inputs? This means avoiding all distractions and only working on planning, pitching, and following up—all the factors that budge the needle, not those that don't. 

A lot of valuable time is wasted focusing on things we cannot control. For example, we have zero control over the economy, competitors, pricing, inventory, or customers' attitudes. Improving sales performance often requires changing focus from things that are out of our control to things we can control.

So, what exactly should you focus on? Here are several things within your control.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance business acumen

Beyond the Inbox: Rethinking Email Strategies in Modern Sales

Rethinking Email Strategies in Modern Sales

Did you know that the first email was sent way back in 1971?

That first “message” was a throwaway in terms of actual content. Engineer Ray Tomlinson, at the time, was exploring different ways for humans and computers to interact and sent himself a test email to see if his new idea worked.

Ray had little idea how powerful and enduring the concept of electronic mail would end up becoming.

Think about how much technological innovation has occurred in those 53 years since email’s invention. Despite the rise of social media, instant messaging, and other communication platforms, email continues to be a preferred and effective channel for sales professionals.

Topics: sales strategy email marketing

12 Expert Tips for Starting 2024 Strong

12 Expert Tips for Starting 2024 Strong

A new year brings new opportunities and a chance to set the foundation for sales success in 2024. With fresh perspectives and renewed motivation, sales teams have the potential to accomplish great things.

By learning from the wisdom of experienced professionals, managers and salespeople can map out a plan to thrive in the months ahead. This year, let's challenge ourselves to implement impactful sales strategies and adopt empowering mindsets. If we start motivated and intentional, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales talent

Social Selling Tips: Using Social Media to Connect with Prospects

Social Selling Tips Using Social Media to Connect with Prospects

There’s no longer a debate on whether social media is an effective way to remain relevant in today’s busy and modern online world. Social media has come a long way since the mid-2000s, where users simply used it to share photographs and “check-in.”  

Today, smart sellers incorporate social media into their sales strategy as an additional way to connect with prospects. This allows you to:

  • Build rapport
  • Pinpoint specific prospects
  • Establish yourself as a thought leader

Through likes, comments, shares, and posts, you provide your insights to both prospects and current customers and allow for more engagement. Social media is a valuable tool for driving sales, but first, you must identify the most-used platforms for your ideal customer.

Topics: sales strategy personal brand social selling

Strategic Planning – Set it and Forget It?

Strategic Planning Set It and Forget It

Strategic planning is a crucial aspect of any organization's success. However, creating your strategic plan is just the beginning!

To ensure success, it's essential to review progress regularly. Organizations that establish a plan to review progress reap the benefits. Set it and forget it seldom, or should I say, never have I seen it work.

Topics: sales strategy annual plannning

3 Words You Should Never Say in Sales

3 Words You Should Never Say in Sales

In the fast-paced world of sales, where the name of the game is, well, selling, which involves sealing the deal, it seriously makes me cringe when I catch salespeople dropping their in-house lingo in front of clients.

Let's talk about three power-packed words that could seriously put a wrench in your plans when you're in front of potential clients. So, do yourself a favor and ditch these words when you're chatting up a client or a promising lead.

Topics: sales strategy

The Best Places to Research a Prospect Before a Sales Call

The Best Places to Research a Prospect Before a Sales Call

Being a decision-maker in today’s business world makes them a target for every over-enthusiastic salesperson with their landline number.

Can you imagine how exhausting that must be?

To avoid this trap and maximize every opportunity in today's challenging sales environment, you'll need a workable sales strategy and viable methods of researching prospects.

You know that you can make a real difference to this prospect if you can just get in front of them and show them your magical product.

Here's how to achieve exactly this without getting shot down by your prospect.

Topics: sales strategy researching prospects