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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When a Salesperson is Underperforming

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When a Salesperson is Underperforming

One of your most important jobs as a leader is to mentor and coach, but it can be one of the most difficult parts of your job if you have an underperforming seller on your team. It’s easy to think things like “they’re not working hard enough,” “they aren’t motivated,” or maybe even “it’s time to throw in the towel.”

Before you take drastic measures and place the blame on your underperformer, here are five questions to ask yourself.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

Best Tips and Tricks for Pipeline Tracking

Best Tips and Tricks for Pipeline Tracking

Pipeline tracking is essential for any sales team that wants to stay on top of their customer relationships and close more deals.

It helps to ensure your sales process is as efficient, effective, and streamlined as possible. By tracking every step of your sales process, from lead generation to customer onboarding, you can ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

With that in mind, here are some best practices for pipeline tracking that will help you make the most of your sales process and achieve the best results. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to maximize your sales process and close more deals with ease.

Topics: IMPACT sales pipeline

How to Spot Sales Talent Without Asking Questions

How to Spot Sales Talent Without Asking Questions

Have you ever met a kid and know what kind of career they were made for?

I bet the answer is YES if you really think about it.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Do You Have the Right Mindset to be a Successful Leader Today?

Do You Have the Right Mindset to be a Successful Leader Today

When we think of leadership, we often think of qualities or characteristics such as courage, inspiration, or perseverance. These qualities or traits are actually one of several ingredients in a powerful recipe for success and winning. That recipe is mindset.

Unprecedented headwinds over the past few years have created immense challenges and uncertainty. Leaders of companies big and small have faced a global pandemic; supply chain issues; inflation; and talent shortages just to name a few.

Topics: Leadership sales leadership

Where to Find Great Needs Analysis Questions in Preparation for an Appointment

Where to Find Great Needs Analysis Questions in Preparation for an Appointment

So, you've got the appointment for your Discover meeting. Good for you...now what? The Discover meeting is a critical part of the selling process, so “winging it” should never be your strategy. 

Most sellers understand that the goal of the Discover meeting is to uncover an urgent need that they can help solve, and then leave with an assignment. To accomplish this, you must ask great questions.

By “great” questions, I mean ones that: get the wheels turning inside their head, make them glad you asked, allow them to talk about what’s hot from their point of view, and make you seem valuable. Remember, every question you ask will either enhance or detract from your credibility.

Topics: Needs Analysis getting appointments

What Does It Mean To Be An Inspiring Leader

What Does It Mean To Galvanize As A Leader (1)

An inspirational leader is someone who can motivate their team members. They can get things done by making others feel like part of the team. They can rally the team and keep them motivated and focused on the goal. They are not afraid to take charge and lead their team.

Here are some key characteristics of an inspiring leader.

Topics: Leadership

Which is More Important in a Sales Manager: Empathy or Accountability?

Which is More Important in a Sales Manager Empathy or Accountability

Imagine you’re at the grocery store with your three-year-old son. He’s promised you he’ll behave, and you’re planning to surprise him with a treat at the checkout counter.

You’re roughly halfway through your grocery list when he starts to get antsy. He wants out of the cart and promptly begins pulling things off the shelves, so you put him back in the cart, and he begins throwing a temper tantrum. You look at your watch – it’s getting close to lunchtime, which is closely followed by naptime. It’s becoming apparent that you have a decision to make.

Do you choose to use empathy by giving him a big hug, telling him you love him, and letting him know you understand it can be tough to be patient—or do you choose to hold him accountable to his promise of good behavior? And which one is the right thing to do?

Topics: Leadership sales management

Media Sales Report – Industry Outlook & Culture with Beth Sunshine

Improving Sales Performance Podcast - Ep. 56 - Culture and People with Beth SunshineThis season on Improving Sales Performance, we’re analyzing the findings from our latest Media Sales Report. With data collected from surveys conducted in Q4 of last year, the responses from sales managers and salespeople alike will help us chart a solid path forward through the media sales landscape.     

In each episode, Matt Sunshine is joined by a rolling roster of outstanding experts from our team here at The Center for Sales Strategy.   

Here, Matt is breaking down the Industry Outlook & Culture Section of the Media Sales Report with SVP/Partner at Up Your Culture by The Center for Sales Strategy, Beth Sunshine. 

Together, Matt and Beth give their take on some top questions that arise from the report, like: 

  • How can sales managers better communicate and express their optimistic industry outlook to engage and inspire their teams?   
  • What can sales managers do to turn a less-than-ideal company culture into one that their salespeople would evangelize about? 
  • What is causing such different perceptions of what the ideal hybrid model should be? 

Topics: sales performance podcasts media sales report employee engagement

5 Things to Include in Your Sales Collateral So It Doesn’t Get Trashed

5 Things to Include in Your Sales Collateral So It Doesn’t Get Trashed

Across all industries, sales managers and account executives spend thousands of hours each year crafting collateral that will support them while they engage with their prospects. If they're particularly astute, they might even try personalizing some of the figures and facts they use to demonstrate why their services are the best options these prospects can choose.

However, just as often, this sales collateral ends up in the prospect's recycling bin. Sometimes, it happens as soon as the salesperson leaves the building.

Topics: sales process sales collateral

5 Ways To Recruit More Superstars

5 Ways To Recruit More Superstars

The economic downturn we are experiencing has led to increased competition and a greater need for effective recruitment. As a result, finding and hiring the best talent has become a top priority for many organizations, and it is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

Even companies that have traditionally received a steady flow of job applications may struggle to attract top talent in the current climate. To ensure success in your recruitment efforts, it is essential to master the basics. Here are five strategies you can use to improve your chances of attracting top talent.

Topics: recruitment talent bank sales talent