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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

How to Set the Right Expectations When Coaching Salespeople

How to Set the Right Expectations When Coaching Salespeople

You may not realize it, but you are setting expectations all the time. You set expectations in everything you do and in everything you don’t do.

It’s an amazing power to have. As a leader, you can have a positive impact on the lives of each person you manage based on the expectations you set for them.

Topics: sales coaching

Media Sales Report – Sales Enablement with Dani Buckley & Emily Hartzell

Improving Sales Performance Podcast - Media Sales Report, Sales Enablement Episode with Matt Sunshine, Dani Buckley, and Emily Hartzell

This season on Improving Sales Performance, we’re analyzing the findings from our latest Media Sales Report. With data collected from surveys conducted in Q4 of last year, the responses from sales managers and salespeople alike will help us chart a solid path forward through the media sales landscape.  

In each episode, Matt will be joined by a rolling roster of outstanding experts from our team here at The Center for Sales Strategy.

Here, Matt is breaking down the Sales Enablement section of the Media Sales Report with VP/GM at LeadG2 by The Center for Sales Strategy, Dani Buckley, and Senior Consultant, Emily Hartzell.

Together, Dani and Emily give their take on some top questions that arise from the report, like:

  • What would you tell those sellers and sales managers who feel as though their sales collateral pieces are lacking?
  • What are the first features of a website that you look for in order to most easily communicate who your company is and what problems you solve?
  • How would you suggest building a better bridge of communication between marketing and sales?

Click here to listen to this episode on your preferred podcast platform or keep reading as we break down the conversation from this episode. 

Topics: sales performance sales enablement podcasts

Sales is Like Dating: How to Build a Lasting Business Relationship

Sales is like dating

What could be more complicated than dating?

Just look at the ever-growing array of dating apps and social media stories, not to mention the adventures recounted by our single friends, family members, and colleagues, if you need any confirmation. The search for “the one” is a journey that countless people have experienced -- and many with less success than others.

Sales can feel like a similar process to dating. At The Center for Sales Strategy, we've often drawn parallels between the two. As you are out there making connections and building lasting business relationships, here are a few pitfalls we have learned to avoid.

Topics: sales process

The Blueprint for Success: Creating a Sales Leader Success Plan

The Blueprint for Success


Are you tired of watching sales managers struggle and then resorting to a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) only to see little to no improvement? 

It's time to break that cycle and set your sales leaders up for success with a Sales Leader Success Plan.

Topics: Leadership

Was the Prospect Unqualified? Or Was the Salesperson Unqualified?

Was the Prospect Unqualified Or Was the Salesperson Unqualified

In the world of sales, a prospect being unqualified or a salesperson being unqualified can be uniquely connected. Whether you're a veteran salesperson or new to the field of sales, we often miss the signs of why we were unable to connect and close a potential client.

This article breaks down five key steps to recognize an unqualified prospect and an unqualified salesperson.

Topics: sales process

Media Sales Report - Sales Process with Alina McComas and Michael Mayer

Media Sales Report - Sales Process with Alina McComas and Michael Mayer This season on Improving Sales Performance, we’re analyzing the findings from our latest Media Sales Report. With data collected from surveys conducted in Q4 of last year, the responses from sales managers and salespeople alike will help us chart a solid path forward through the media sales landscape.     

In each episode, Matt will be joined by a rolling roster of outstanding experts from our team at The Center for Sales Strategy.   
Here, Matt is breaking down the Sales Process section of the Media Sales Report with VP/Senior Consultant, Alina McComas and Senior Consultant, Michael Mayer. 
Both Alina and Michael have such awesome takeaways on some top questions that arise from the report, like: 

  • Why do you think appointments are becoming harder and harder to secure? 
  • With 41% of salespeople telling us that finding qualified leads is only getting harder as well, what do you think is causing this? 
  • What would you say to sales managers that are having a tough time with CRM adoption amongst their team?

Click here to listen to this episode on your preferred podcast platform or keep reading as we break down the conversation from this episode. 

Topics: valid business reason sales process CRM podcasts media sales report getting appointments

5 Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Team's Sales and Unlocking Their Full Potential

5 Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Teams Sales and Unlocking Their Full Potential

As a sales manager, you play a crucial role in driving results and maximizing the potential of your team. But managing a team is no easy task - it requires a balance of setting clear goals, providing ongoing training and support, and effectively communicating with your team.

If you're looking to up your game and take your team to the next level, here are five proven strategies to help you succeed.

Topics: sales management sales leadership

5 Way to Determine Fit When Hiring

5 Way to Determine Fit When Hiring

If you use a validated talent assessment as part of your hiring process, it’s tempting to move forward with a hire if they’re assessment quickly says “recommended.” But recommended doesn’t mean “recommended for hire.” Recommended means “recommended to move forward in the interview process.”

The Growth Formula specifies that (Talent + Fit) x Investment = Growth. Once you determine whether or not someone has the right talents for the role you’re filling, it’s equally as important to consider their fit.

Topics: sales talent hiring for culture fit

6 Winning Sales Steps

6 Winning Sales Steps

I'm a planner. Whether it's a project, a vacation, or my daily routine, I LOVE putting together plans that will help me execute the operation perfectly.

As a family, we love going to Disney World. We visit the most magical place on Earth about once a year, and every time, I spend hours researching where we will stay, what parks to visit on which day, and which fabulous restaurants to dine at. I create spreadsheets, calendars, and even touring plans for our day at each park.

I'm also a process enthusiast. I know the value of having a well-thought-out plan and process in place; a solid plan helps ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. This is especially true when it comes to sales.

Topics: sales process

Media Sales Report – Learning & Development with Emily Estey

ISP_Ep.53__ Cover Graphic learning and dev

This season on Improving Sales Performance, we’re analyzing the findings from our latest Media Sales Report. With data collected from surveys conducted in Q4 of last year, the responses from sales managers and salespeople alike will help us chart a solid path forward through the media sales landscape.     

In each episode, Matt will be joined by a rolling roster of outstanding experts from our team here at The Center for Sales Strategy.   
Here, Matt is breaking down the Learning & Development Section of the Media Sales Report with VP/Senior Consultant, Emily Estey  
Emily has such excellent takeaways on some top questions that arise from the report, like: 

  • What advice would you give to sales managers leading salespeople who aren't receiving trainings frequently (on a weekly or monthly basis)?   
  • How can sales managers have meaningful conversations with their sellers on a consistent basis? 
  • What would you say to managers trying to engage and inspire team members that are underperforming in their eyes?
Topics: media sales report learning development