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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Why Salespeople Are Quitting After 90 Days — And How To Prevent It

Why Salespeople Are Quitting After 90 Days — And How To Prevent It

During the first 90 days at a new job, the relationship between a new hire and their employer is as vulnerable as it gets: 20% of all employee turnover happens during those crucial three months.

Leaving a job before things really get going is becoming increasingly normal, especially for younger workers: Jobvite’s oft-cited annual “Job Seeker Nation” survey reports that 34% of them have, at some point in their young careers, left a job in the first 90 days.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Weekly Roundup: Sales Forecasting, Inflation + More

Sales Forecasting, Inflation


"There are four ingredients in true leadership: brains, soul, heart, and good nerves."



<< If you only read one thing >>

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Sales Forecasting: Which Is Best For You? – LinkedIn 

Forecasts are infamously difficult to trust. 

Does your weather app say it’s going to be sunny on Saturday? You still might want to have a backup plan for your picnic.

In sales, forecasting is a practice that’s been around for a long time, but its accuracy has often failed to escape the realm of long-range temperature predictions. >>> READ MORE

Topics: Wrap-up

A 5-Step Campaign Recap Template to Keep Customers Coming Back

campaign recap templateYou sold the campaign. You executed the campaign. Now get the credit you deserve! 

Creating a successful digital campaign designed to deliver desired business results takes time and expertise—not to mention a great deal of work! It makes sense to present a recap during the campaign—to make sure it is on track—and after the campaign, to get credit for a job well done.

The best way to do this is to create a campaign recap and present this to the customer. This process allows sellers to get the credit they deserve for a job well done as well as open the door to the next sales opportunity with a satisfied customer.

Topics: sales strategy sales process sales accelerator

Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on Sales Performance

Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on Sales Performance

Without sales, you don't have a business.

Your profits are directly linked to sales performance, so it's important to maximize sales wherever possible. There are a range of things you can do to improve sales, and if you're not doing this your business will never reach its full potential.

For a rundown of some simple things you can do to improve sales performance, keep reading.

Topics: sales performance

Does Your Sales Strategy Include Surprising Your Prospects?

Does Your Sales Strategy Include Surprising Your Prospects

Imagine this.

You go to make a big purchase or do a major renovation such as a kitchen remodel. It's something you've been saving for now for quite some time. You've conducted exhaustive research on the colors you want, the styles you like, and the decorations you want to include. You've even made a visual board for ideas.

The time comes to get estimates and timelines from contractors. You go with the rule of 3’s for estimates, and after meeting with them, you finally make the decision. You understand that there will be a payment due upfront, and you agree to those terms.

The work finally starts, and surprise, there are costs that should have been included in the estimate that wasn’t. You feel trapped and frustrated.

Topics: business development Needs Analysis sales strategy

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

Secrets to a Strong Interviewing Process

An interview can make or break a company’s relationship with a new hire.

A thorough interview process, using a validated talent assessment, looking for strengths, talents, and fit for the position, and examining fit to culture, can provide a strong jump off to a successful and lucrative career.

A desperation hire where a “warm body” is hired with no thought to their success can only lead to frustration, bad feelings on both sides, and repeating the process when the new hire quits. So, what are the secrets to a strong interviewing process and successful employer/employee relationship?

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent assessment sales talent

3 Major Sales Time Wasters And How To Fix Them

3 Major Sales Time Wasters And How To Fix Them

You waste time! A lot of time. And so do I.

It's an epidemic in the world today. One of the biggest challenges that organizations and salespeople face is the lack of productivity while feeling like they work all of the time.

Topics: sales productivity

The Value and Benefits of Executive Leadership Development

The Value and Benefits of Executive Leadership Development

57% percent of people were reported to quit their jobs because of poor leadership in their organization. Leaders set the tone of an organization's culture. In order to retain a happy and productive workplace, it's integral to understand the value of leadership development. 

Leaders can be found via a talent search. In other instances, leaders are born through continuous leadership development. 

In this article, we'll dissect the four main benefits of leadership development and learn more about the importance of leadership development training.

Topics: leadership development

Using The Right Sales Strategy to Secure More Quality Appointments

Using The Right Sales Strategy to Secure More Quality Appointments

Today, I'm going to share with you 3 TOP SECRET strategies to help you secure more new business appointments. These proprietary strategies will help you get more meetings than you could ever imagine.

Topics: sales strategy

4 Reasons Social Selling Is So Effective

4 Reasons Social Selling Is So Effective

Social selling is on its way to equaling (and possibly overtaking) conventional selling in the near future.

One study stated that with more than 3 billion people using social media worldwide in 2021, the customer base is right where social salespeople want them.

Way back in 2020, before the world had gone haywire due to COVID and in the early days of the pandemic, Facebook sales by American Facebook users hit over 18%.

That was then. This is now.

Topics: social selling