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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Look like you know more about digital than you do. Here's how.

digitalI was at my usual Starbucks getting my usual morning beverage, and while I waited, checked my email as usual. A gentleman in his 70s was behind me asking if I was reading a book on an eReader; apparently he saw me reading one of my lengthy emails and did not know what an eReader looks like.

Topics: Digital

Three Big Social Media Stories and How They Affect Your Content Marketing

inbound marketingThis was a big week for social media changes. Here are three stories we think you need to be aware of... and why you should care!

Topics: Social Media content strategy Digital Inbound Marketing

Why Media Companies Need to Drop Tradition and Embrace the Inbound Movement

Youve_Got_Leads_Now_What_The_5_Steps_to_Convert_Your_Inbound_Leads_into_CustomersThings have fundamentally changed in the media industry, and I’m excited to have the privilege on November 8th to discuss why inbound marketing will be critical to the next evolutionary phase for media companies.

Currently, a majority of the media companies (TV, Radio, Print etc.) are not using inbound marketing (blogging, thought leadership, lead generation, email marketing and social media) as part of their strategy to increase the number of leads their salespeople are getting—or leveraging it as a way to drive a more retainable revenue stream via their service and advertising offerings.  

Topics: content marketing Lead Nurturing Digital Lead Generation Inbound Marketing

Does Your Site Need To Be Optimized For Mobile?

site optimized for mobileShowrooming. Most of us have done it—walked into a store, found an interesting product… then pulled out the smartphone to see if we can find the product cheaper online and make a purchase there instead of in the store. This trend is becoming more popular, and it is forcing retailers to boost their existing mobile presence and experience or be left behind.

Topics: customer satisfaction Digital websites

Reputation management is not "completely wrong"

All day long, my friends have posted Facebook status updates like this, "Go to Google. Click on Images. Type 'completely wrong' and see what images appear." What shows up is a collection of photos of Mitt Romney.*

completely wrong
Topics: Social Media content marketing Digital reputation management Inbound Marketing

Remembering one of the greatest innovators of all time

innovation and thought leadershipInnovation is important. We salute all of you that are thinking of—and trying—new ways to add value, deliver service and provide new information to the customers you serve.

Topics: content strategy thought leadership Digital Inbound Marketing

How Much Digital Revenue Potential Is Out There?

digital revenueIf you're a business leader looking to advertise using digital—or you are a salesperson responsible for digital sales—knowing what your market is currently spending in digital advertising will help you gauge what kind of budget you may want establish for your online initiatives. If you don't currently know the current local DMR (Digital Marketing Revenue) for your market, Borrell and Associates has released a handy interactive map of over 500 regions where digital dollars are being spent. 

Topics: Digital What & Why Digital selling digital advertising sales performance

Google's 'Mute This Ad' is a Glass Half Full

selling digital advertisingIt's official. Google is giving users the opportunity to mute an ad and not see another one from that particular campaign within their display network. This is good news for both advertisers and those who sell digital advertising. Here's why the glass is half full:

Topics: Digital What & Why Digital

Why Pepsi's over-reliance on social media hurt their business

social mediaIf you sell media, buy media or run a business, you should read the The Face-to-Face Book, by Ed Keller and Brad Fay. Here are some highlights from the book.  

Topics: Social Media Digital selling digital advertising

Just Released: Digital Integrated Marketing Infographic

When it comes to conveying your message to your audience, you'll find the sweet spot when you combine the power of traditional media with digital media. The integrated marketing solution provides prospects and customers with both the spark of interest and the depth of information they require to make a buying decision.

Integrated Marketing Solution
Topics: Digital What & Why Digital selling digital advertising integrated media solution