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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

How to Use Sales Psychology to Change Buyers' Mindsets

How to Use Sales Psychology to Change Buyers Mindsets

As a business leader, you're well aware of the fact that sales can make or break a company. Unfortunately, simply designing a great product or service won't lead to outstanding sales. 

Industry leaders today are focusing on a more psychological approach to boosting their sales. Read on to learn more about sales psychology and find out how you can use it to change the mindset of any buyer.

Topics: sales process sales leadership

7 C's of Communication That Salespeople Need to Master

7 Cs of Communication That Salespeople Need to Master

It would be incorrect to say that effective communication is a practical component of sales success. What is correct is that sales success is all about the right communication happening at the right time. As a salesperson, you would definitely agree to it, right?

From explaining the product to negotiations and persuasion, you need effective communication at each step to convert your leads.

Do you think your potential customers will remain engaged for long if you don’t come across as a streak smart communicator? Do you think you can thrive as a salesperson without laying much emphasis on developing communication proficiency? Well, the truth is that you may be able to cover the gaps in your communication skills a few times.

Topics: communication sales leadership

Are You Making These Sales Management Mistakes?

Are You Making These Sales Management Mistakes

One of the most difficult things in leadership, and in life, is to recognize and admit when we have made mistakes or might have done things differently.

As we develop more skills in leadership, we begin to see mistakes as opportunities for growth, improvement, and innovation when we can look at them through a lens without judgment or blame.

Topics: sales leadership

Encouraging Collaboration Between Departments

Encouraging Collaboration Between Departments

Every successful organization depends on the productivity of various departments and teams to achieve its overall mission and goals. But being a part of a team doesn’t mean teamwork happens naturally.

For departments and teams to be efficient everyone needs to work together to execute and finish projects and goals. And yet the reality is that, more often than not, employees find it challenging to collaborate and work together with ease and balance.

Topics: communication sales leadership

Priorities for the Modern Leader


Work and career are areas that are ever-evolving.

New ways of working emerge, skill sets and experiences change, and employee expectations shift. As a leader, it's important to understand where your priorities need to be and how you can position yourself to help your employees grow.

Topics: sales leadership leadership development

Fatal Sales Leadership Practices That Will Ruin You

Watch Out For These Fatal Sales Leadership Practices That Will Ruin You

Did you know that there are 397,900 sales managers in the United States?

It's expected that this number will jump by 7% each year, which is the average amount of growth in the U.S. for a profession.

As a manager, you need to ensure that your team is successful and happy. Keep reading, and we'll guide you through the fatal sales leadership practices you should avoid.

Topics: sales leadership

What's A Top Piece of Advice for Someone New to Managing a Team? Our Experts Weigh In.

Whats A Top Piece of Advice for Someone New to Managing a Team

Being a great manager is tougher than being a great salesperson.

Think back to when you were a new manager, what was one piece of advice you wish you knew back then, that you now know?

Here’s what a few of our experts at The Center for Sales Strategy said.

Topics: leadership sales leadership

Finding the Right Mentor

Steps to Finding the Right Mentor

We're used to hearing “it takes a village” when we're talking about family, but what if that “village” theory is true in business as well.

Well, it sure helps!

Finding the right mentor can help you navigate your career and give you a village of knowledge instead of going at it on your own.

Topics: sales leadership

Big Rocks for Sales Managers to Focus On

Big Rocks for Sales Managers to Focus On

In addition to resetting your priorities, recruiting and selecting the right talent, and managing people individually there’s another aspect sales managers need to focus on.

Great management begins and ends with YOU. It’s time to strategize what being a great manager looks like for yourself it's time to focus on the Big Rocks.

Topics: sales performance sales leadership big rocks

Sales Leaders’ Top Challenges: Time Management

Sales Leaders’ Top Challenges Time Management

No matter how good a product is, nobody will buy it if they have not heard about it. On top of that, sometimes it takes a skilled and informed presentation of a product for people to realize how much value it can bring to them. That is the job of the more than 13 million people who are employed in sales just in the United States!

Of course, the world of sales comes with its own challenges. One of the most common challenges that sales leaders work with is time management. Learning to manage this one area can greatly increase success and productivity.

But there is a reason that time management is one of the most common sales leaders' challenges. It can be difficult to figure out how to make it work for you. Read on to learn all about the time management techniques that can help you tackle this sales challenge!

Topics: sales leadership sales challenges