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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Where is Your Talent? The Newest Trends and Tools to Find Top Talent

Where is Your Talent

Across markets and industries, one consistent hiring theme. It’s hard to find strong candidates. Big cities, rural communities, and everyone in between are struggling to find talented candidates or, sometimes, any candidates at all.

We know the talent is out there. But where? Where can you find your next great seller?

Topics: recruitment sales talent

Help! My Top Performer Just Quit!

Help! My Top Performer Just Quit!

Have you ever felt like being a manager is a lot like juggling? And right when you think you’ve got all the balls in the air… whoops!

When it’s the sudden departure of a top performer, it can make you literally drop everything!  

So, what can you do?

Topics: recruitment talent bank

5 Important Lessons Every Hiring Manager Needs to Learn

5 Important Lessons Every Hiring Manager Needs to Learn

Have you ever hired someone who seemed perfect on paper, but ended up being a terrible fit for your team? What about someone who blew you away during the interview process, but then turned out to be a totally different person once you brought them on board?

If we each had a crystal ball to gaze into, the hiring process would be so much easier. Instead, hiring the wrong person is oftentimes a tough learning experience.

Here are five important lessons every hiring manager needs to learn. Keep reading to avoid learning them the hard way!

Topics: recruitment

Talent Pipeline: Sales Manager’s Approach to Proactive Recruitment

Sales Manager’s Approach to Proactive Recruitment

You know the feeling… a position on your team suddenly comes open and catches you off guard without any promising candidates in sight. You stir up a tornado of job postings, resume reviews, and hopeful prayers that the perfect candidate will miraculously appear… and you feel completely overwhelmed.

Here’s the good news. You can change this!

Topics: hiring salespeople recruitment

3 Sales Coaching Steps to Recruit Quality vs. Quantity

Three Sales Coaching Steps to Recruit Quality vs. Quantity

Finding and attracting top sales talent is a perpetual challenge for sales managers. With countless responsibilities already overflowing your plate, dedicating time to recruiting often falls by the wayside. However, taking a strategic approach to recruiting through inbound marketing techniques can attract qualified, eager candidates, so you spend time interviewing the right people.

Inbound marketing is proven to generate sales leads, and these same principles can be applied to enhance your employer brand and recruiting efforts. By developing engaging content and social media profiles, you position yourself as a manager invested in the success of your team.

Let's dive into how to get started with an inbound strategy to recruit the sales talent you want on your team.

Topics: Inbound Marketing recruitment

Your Employer Brand Matters: A Sales Manager’s Perspective on Recruitment Marketing

Your Employer Brand Matters

It can be tough to find top talent! Not only do you have to find that talented person, you also have to convince them to come on board with your organization. Why should they choose you over the other competitors?

As a sales manager, you have the task of finding the best candidates who can drive revenue and help your business grow. Your employer brand can make a big difference. A strong employer brand not only helps you stand out from the competition but also attracts the right candidates who align with your company's vision and goals.

Topics: branding recruitment

Overcoming Hiring Challenges:  Solutions for Finding Qualified Sales Candidates in a Competitive Market

Overcoming Hiring Challenges

Are you frustrated with the challenges of finding top talent for your organization?

If so, you’re not alone. According to a ManpowerGroup survey, talent shortages are at a ten-year high, with 69% of employers struggling to fill positions.

In today’s competitive job market, recruiting and hiring superstar salespeople is no easy feat, but getting creative and spending time on recruitment each week could help you build a strong talent bank of potential candidates for the future.

Topics: recruitment sales talent

Selection: 5 Data-Backed Facts You Should Know

Selection 5 Data-Backed Facts You Should Know

Strong selection is about identifying an individual whose talents, skills, and experiences best align with what leads to excellence in your job role.

Much like looking for a round peg to go in a round hole, great hiring begins by examining the open position and considering which candidate is the best match for the company, the team, and the open position.

Hiring is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in a leadership position because, with the right people, you can do almost anything!  And with the wrong people… well, you know.  The fact is when you put the right people in the right roles, they thrive, and the organization grows.   

As Peter Ducker said, "If I have put a person in a job and he or she does not perform, I have made a mistake. I have no business blaming that person, no business complaining. I have made a mistake."

Topics: recruitment selection

5 Crazy Ways to Recruit

5 Crazy Ways to Recruit

Are you tired of traditional recruiting methods that don't seem to work for finding top-performing salespeople?

It's time to shake things up and think outside of the box. With Millennials and Gen Z not as interested in traditional sales roles, relying on hiring retreads from your competition is no longer a viable option.

It's time to get a little crazy in your search for your next sales superstar. 

Topics: recruitment remote sales team

Retention is the New Recruitment

Retention is the New Recruitment

Few things in business these days are more important than finding, and retaining, the right talent.

Without talent, companies can quickly lose their competitive edge. But while most companies are focusing heavily on the recruitment side of the equation, many are ignoring the equally important job of retention. All the while the job market continues to become more competitive, and employees have increasingly specific preferences and expectations around how they want to work.

One of the easiest and best recruitment strategies might just be retention.

Topics: recruitment employee retention