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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Improve Quality and Efficiency of Sales Interactions with the Best Sales Integration Tools

sales integration tools sales intelligenceFrom small businesses to international enterprises, most companies are dependent on effective sales to thrive. This is where sales integration tools come in. 

At the core of sales integration tools is the idea of sales intelligence. The goal of these tools is to improve the efficiency and quality of sales interactions for better conversion in the long run. Sales intelligence and management tools integrate with other software to make lead information as robust and accessible to sales reps as possible.

When used correctly, sales integration tools can not only improve the quality and efficiency of sales interactions but also lead to better customer relationships and increased sales.

Topics: sales performance CRM

Feedback. Feedback. Feedback. (Today, We're Talking About Feedback.)

sales coaching feedbackPeople crave feedback. We want to know if what we are doing is good, bad, or just plain ugly.

It starts when we are little kids. We all desperately wanted our parent's attention. We wanted them to "watch us" run fast, jump high, or sing a song. We wanted them to be proud of us, but also to give us feedback. Were we doing it "right?" How can we do it better? 

Well, not much has changed since we were children. We still want to know how we are doing. Yet, so many managers seem to think that their people don't need feedback or even want it. WRONG! Your people desperately want to know how they are doing. Feedback is a fantastic way for a sales manager to improve their team's sales performance by reinforcing good behaviors and improving upon weak behaviors.

Topics: sales performance sales training

Busting the New Business Myth

account list analyticsI get it. I know it is important, but I’m sick and tired of hearing about new business. Truth be known, most sellers are sick and tired of hearing about new business… and their managers are sick and tired of talking about it!

Facts Behind the Myth

The majority of sales organizations are obsessed with new business because of one reason: they do a terrible job of keeping and growing existing business (AKA: customers).

Not all customers are created equal. World-class sales organizations segment them like this:

Topics: key account growth sales strategy sales performance Sales account list analytics account list management

Two Words You Need To Understand To Set More Appointments

set more appointments

 "My sellers do not go on enough sales calls."

- Every Sales Manager

I hear this all the time from sales managers. I also hear a similar version from sellers: 

“I could sell more if I had more quality appointments.”

 - Almost Every Seller

Imagine if every seller had one additional call per week, every week of the year. That’s roughly 50 additional appointments per year.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance Sales sales process prospecting

5 Movies that Teach Us about Talent Development

sales strategy lessons from moviesToday, we are taking our sales strategy lessons from the pages of pop culture, and we're talking movies. Grab your popcorn and find a comfy seat, because we’re heading to the movies!

Topics: sales performance Sales sales training

Technology Has Changed the Way Your Prospects Buy

technology-change-the-way-prospects-buyTechnology continues to advance at lightning speed. It’s these advancements that change the way we live our lives. It seems that new technology impacts just about every aspect of our life.

The way we communicate – from phone calls and letters to texts and social media.
The way we consume entertainment – from going to a theater to streaming content on multiple devices.
The way we travel – from hotels and taxis to Airbnb and Uber.

Our work life is not immune to these advancements.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales process prospecting

3 Reasons You need an Annual Physical

annual sales checkupNo one likes going to the doctor. No one!
Topics: sales strategy sales performance sales training sales diagnostic

30 Songs to Pump Up Your Playlist and Help Boost Sales Productivity

sales productivity playlistI read a recent study that shared many interesting things about music and how much it does for humans. Some things noted in the study are that music:

  • Enhances intelligence, learning and IQ
  • Improves memory performance
  • Improves concentration and attention
  • Helps work productivity
  • Helps fight fatigue
  • Improves mood

Whether you're motivating yourself or your sales team, I think anyone in sales would like a little bit of all of those. So with that said, I've collected a list of songs from our team and compiled a list of motivational songs to help you boost your sales productivity! 

Topics: sales performance Sales Leadership productivity

The Sales Pipeline is More Important Than Sales Activity

status of the sales pipelineIt seems like every sales manager I have talked to lately wants to talk about activity and how to enforce minimum activity expectations. It took a few of these conversations before a simple truth became obvious to me: Pipeline is way more important than activity.

Topics: sales performance Sales sales process

Know Your Numbers

salespeople know your numbers"If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business!"
-Marcus Lemonis 

My friend (and Managing Partner at The Center for Sales Strategy), Matt Sunshine, got me into the CNBC television program, The Profit. And I am absolutely addicted to it. And I mean addicted… I might have just finished watching 6 hours of the program this weekend. 

And you should be watching it, too!

Marcus Lemonis is the CEO of Camping World, and he uses his money to invest in struggling businesses that he features on his show. The stories are exciting, compelling, and full of drama! But, that's not why you should be watching the program.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance Sales