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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Do You Have a People Problem or The Wrong Sales Structure?

Do You Have a People Problem or The Wrong Sales Structure

How do you know if you have a sales structure problem? Too often, sales organizations are evaluated single-handily by their results. If your company isn’t hitting targets and sale goals aren’t being achieved, the blame falls on not having the right salespeople. But, is the source of lost revenue really a “people” problem?

Underperformance is easily blamed on salespeople because data often helps support the claims. However, while we always seek to improve the performance of sales teams, there are a few indicators that show you may have more than a people problem.

Topics: sales performance IMPACT

Sales Enablement in Real Life [VIDEO]

Sales enablement. Is it a buzzword or just a misunderstood word?

DEFINITION OF SALES ENABLEMENT: Sales Enablement encompasses the technology, strategy, processes, and content that empower sales teams to sell smarter and faster. It’s about providing salespeople with what they need in order to successfully and strategically engage the buyer throughout the buying process. Why wouldn't you want it?

Topics: sales performance sales process sales enablement

Are Your Sellers Prepared for the Economy to Reopen?

Are Your Sellers Prepared for the Economy to Reopen

Perhaps the most anticipated grand opening of all times is occurring at various levels across our land right nowand it is joyous to see. But to say things are not quite returning to normal yet would be a great understatement. 

Most businesses are still adapting to the environment. Many are operating without key segments that were profitable just a few months ago or inventing new offerings in response to the changes we’ve all experienced.  Just as our clients are rethinking how they approach the market, so should your sales team.

Topics: sales performance COVID19 Resources

4 Ways for Salespeople to Gain Respect

4 Ways for Salespeople to Gain Respect

“Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.” - R.G. Risch

Aside from lowering prices, releasing better products, or providing superior service, there's something else that your salespeople can do to improve sales performance. A sales professionals livelihood depends largely on the levels of trust and credibility they build with prospects and clients.

The more respect you command, the higher close ratio you will have. Additionally, the higher the degree of trust you establish, the less the need to negotiate. Getting that first appointment with a new business prospect is difficult because most sellers don't take the time to establish trust and create value in the mind of the prospect.

If you want to be treated as a professional, someone who is trustworthy, and worth an investment of time, do these four easy things and prove it to your prospects and clients. 

Topics: sales performance Sales

10 Ways to Increase a B2B Salesperson's Productivity

10 Ways to Increase a B2B Salesperson's Productivity

The job of a sales manager is a challenging one. One of the biggest challenges they face is how to keep their salespeople motivated and producing quality results.

Some of the best ways to help salespeople become more productive doesn't include spending a fortune or sending them through another training class. A few of the best ideas are ones that help to reduce administrative burdens and increase time in the field or on the phone. 

Topics: developing strengths sales performance

6 Steps to Stop Your Leaking Sales Bucket

6 Steps to Stop Your Leaking Sales Bucket

We can all agree that it's easier to fill a bucket when it’s not leaking from the bottom. Seems like a pretty good rule of thumb.

In the context of managing sales revenue and keeping that bucket completely full, things can become pretty difficult when you spring a leak! We need to spend more and more time dumping new business in just to keep a minimum level insideand that is exhausting.

Topics: sales strategy sales performance Sales

Developing and Using a Talent Bank Will Improve Sales Performance

Developing and Using a Talent Bank Will Improve Sales Performance

Take this five-question quiz to set the foundation for this blog post—simply answer agree or disagree.

1. I interview sales candidates every week, even if I don’t have openings on my staff. AGREE-1

2. I find my best sales candidates when I’m under the gun and have openings on my staff. AGREE-1

3. I move out underperforming sellers often because I keep a talent bank of qualified prospects.AGREE-1

4. I am a proactive recruiter, always looking for, and evaluating talent.

5. I often tell candidates that I’m interviewing even though I don’t have a position open.AGREE-1

If answered disagree to the majority of these questions; continue reading this post.

Topics: sales performance talent bank sales talent

10 Tweet-Worthy Business Quotes For You to Share and Use

10 Tweet-Worthy Business Quotes For You to Share and Use

Twitter has 330 million monthly active users and 145 million daily users. 65.8% of US companies with 100+ employees use Twitter for marketing, and 80% of Twitter users have mentioned a brand in a tweet. There are a lot of interesting statistics floating around about Twitter and it's influence on brands and consumers.  In this digital age, you are what you tweet.

Whether you're a sales manager or a business leader—we bet one of these quotes below speaks to you. Read through them, and feel free to share with your Twitter followers!

Topics: sales strategy sales performance Sales

Our Experts Share Their Top Tips to Perfecting the Sales Proposal

tips to perfect the sales proposal - no surprise proposalProspecting was spot on. The needs analysis meetings uncovered a clear desired business result for the prospect. And now it's time to shine—sales proposal time! 

Ask any sales rep what the hardest part of their job is, and we'll bet they’ll say “closing.” Don't be scared. Ensure your hard work (or your team's hard work) doesn't go wasted by following these tips gathered from our sales experts when creating and presenting your sales proposal.  

Topics: Proposal sales performance sales process

31 MORE Inspirational Quotes to Motivate Your Sales Team this Month

Motivational quotes related to sales and business success

It’s the time of year where competition is in the air. Not only is a little fantasy football floating around the office, but we’re about to tackle the end of another fiscal year. We’re all going for the “Hail Mary” pass with, what feels like, only seconds remaining on the clock.

Similar to having a successful season on your fantasy football league, having a great sales quarter takes strategy, skill and taking advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. It’s nearing the beginning of the fourth quarter, so let’s kick it off with motivation for a strong finish.

Topics: sales performance