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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Responsibility & Work Ethic

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents Coaching Responsibility & Work Ethic

We all have strengths, and we all have weaknesses and like fingerprints, each of our talent combinations is entirely unique.

Human nature drives us to focus on our weaknesses, so as individuals, we expend a lot of energy trying to master behaviors that will never become natural. Managers get stuck in that trap as well, wasting much of their time coaching in a way that feels like teaching a fish to climb a tree. These futile efforts greatly lower employee engagement and only result in marginal improvement (about 10%).  On the other hand, when people focus that same time and energy on their strengths, their level of engagement shoots up, and they can improve by as much as 10 TIMES!

We help managers understand their people's unique strengths so they can apply the right coaching strategies and improve their performance. That leads to a strong return on investment for both the individual and the manager!

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Customized Coaching for Sales Talents: Coaching Achiever & Competition

rCoaching Achiever

Hiring decisions can be some of the most critical decisions a company makes, and it's essential to start with talent. When a new hire has the right talents for success in the role, they learn and grow quickly, more easily achieving success.

But it’s not enough to make great hires. Even the most talented people need coaching and development to maximize their strengths and reach their full potential. When a manager hires top talent and then invests in their development and engagement, both the individual and the company grows.

Topics: sales talent assessment sales talent

Hunter vs Farmer Personality, Characteristics, and More

Hunter vs Farmer Personality

You hear the terms "hunters" and "farmers" thrown around a lot in the sales world. Sales leaders are always looking for "hunters" as they should. New business is the lifeblood of any sales organization. Without salespeople that know how to "hunt" for new clients, a company can and will be in trouble.

Of course, companies must also have salespeople who are "farmers." Reps need to be able to cultivate clients by building relationships and growing accounts. Organizations must ensure that their key accounts renew and develop.

Topics: sales performance sales accelerator sales talent

Exceeding Your 2021 Revenue Goal by Winning the Winnable Games

You Can Win the 2021 Sales Super Bowl

A heartbreaking ending, but a beautiful journey. If you’re a Cleveland Browns fan, then you’re like me, still brokenhearted after watching them lose yet another winnable big game.

Over the years I’ve written a few posts about this hapless team, and I’ll give the team credit for improving during the past season.

One thing still alludes the Browns, and that is winning the winnable big game. In short, something always gets in the way and they walk away with a loss.

Is your sales team winning the winnable games in the face of COVID and all the other obstacles that are thrown in their way?

Review the list below of winnable games—the games within the game of improving revenue performance and exceeding goals—to see how you are doing. The list also includes ideas on how to move from the losing side.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

Is It Time For A Talent Checkup? Three Tips For Hiring and Developing Top Sellers

Three Tips For Hiring and Developing Top Sellers

Can you say yes to each of these statements?

  • We hire much better salespeople than our competitors.
  • Our sales management team is a clear strength of our organization.
  • Every member of our team is a solid performer…a keeper.
  • We have a clear succession plan for every person for whom it is appropriate.
  • Currently, all of our salespeople are performing at or above expectations.

If you answered no to any of these, it’s possible you have some talent issues to address.

Topics: talent bank sales talent

6 Creative Recruiting Ideas to Help Keep Your Talent Bank Full

6 Creative Recruiting Ideas to Help Keep Your Talent Bank Full

Managers often reach out to us looking for creative ways to recruit top-talent to their companies.

Unfortunately, most wait until they're in need, when in reality, consistent searching and recruiting to keep their talent banks full would not only prepare them for the future, but also save them money and time when the time comes to fill a position on their team.

Topics: recruitment talent bank sales talent

How to Inspire your Employees and Increase Productivity

Inspire Employees

You want to get the most out of your people… so how do you really inspire them? 

Most of the managers immediately respond, “Pay them more!” Believe it or not, that’s not going to cut it. 

Most employees are not coin-operated, and more money does not lead to more engagement.

Wonderfully stated in a Harvard Business Review article, authors Eric Garton and Michael C. Mankins explained there are four levels of employee engagement: Dissatisfied, Satisfied, Engaged, and Inspired, and they pointed to recent productivity research related to each level. 

Here’s what they learned.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

Top Articles of 2020: Talent

 2020 Talent Blogs

We believe that talent + training + tactics = performance, and today we are bringing you a recap of the most popular blog posts we've published in 2020 on all things talent.

Providing quality content that helps our clients and visitors improve their sales performance is a goal of ours, and we hope this blog has brought you insight, education, and tips to get you on the path to success. We've searched for the most popular blog posts of 2020, and we've curated these lists that will publish each day this week to bring you some of the most informative content from the year. Check out these top articles on talent from 2020, and let them kickstart your 2021 sales strategy.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

Why Storytelling Helps Attract and Recruit Top Talent

Why Storytelling Helps Attract and Recruit Top Talent

What are your most effective recruiting tools and strategies?

As a hiring manager, you’ve witnessed first-hand that simply posting a job listing is not enough to attract top talent to your organization. You may have tried to throw-out company statistics and numbers while interviewing, but even those impressive numbers didn’t set you apart from the competition.

So, how do you stand out and sell candidates on your company? The answer is surprisingly simple: storytelling.

Topics: recruitment sales talent

The Lone-Wolf Sales Model is Making Your Life Tougher than It Needs to Be

Lone Wolf Sales Model

At The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS), we’re big believers in talent. And nothing confirms our trust in talent more than when we witness a direct connection between the talent level of a given salesperson and the success they achieve.

When highly talented, that success happens more quickly and it lasts over the long haul — and when talent is softer, success is modest at best. Same is true for highly talented sales staffs versus those less talented. 

But our confidence in the predictable relationship between strong sales talent and strong sales performance has confirmed something else — talent is rare and precious. Talented salespeople are worth their weight in gold not only because they produce prodigious returns on the investment employers make in them, but also because they’re so darn hard to find.

And a staff full of such salespeople? A sales manager should count themselves an unusually outstanding recruiter and manager if half the staff is highly talented. 

Topics: sales talent sales structure IMPACT